Kiki, Did You Block Me?

Reski Sululing
3 min readAug 25, 2021


Well, I am still using WhatsApp and LinkedIn because, duh, all my work stuff is there in those two platforms.

This is like the fourth time (or fifth?) that I do the social media detox. I clearly remember when I was still in Sumatra as a voluntary teacher in a remote area, I rarely checked my social media accounts; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you name it. The time to do that was kind of limit, and I didn’t have any proper internet connection, and oh, I prefer to spent my time with my kids there, we went to the jungle, river, cooked weird food and enjoyed them together, and so many other fun things BETTER than sitting and scrolling to those “happy people” picture on social media.

This feels like 1000000000 better than scrolling the screen that makes my eyes hurt. I miss these kiddos, anw. T_T

Daily, according to my screen report, I use my phone in 8–9 hours. That is not that bad, isn’t it? Again, I need to check my WhatsApp all the time because of my work. The bad thing is, when I go back to my home, the place where I can get proper internet connection, 24 hours WiFi access, I started to love to scroll on my phone all the time, most of the time I scroll on Twitter, laugh at those silly memes, reading horror thread that also silly but made me scared to sleep alone at night, or just throw some tweets that sometimes made people mad and became a “war” there. In Bahasa Indonesia, they call it tubir. People argue and just say whatever they want to say, and it makes me tired. On Instagram, I use it occasionally, just to post Instagram stories about the food that I cooked, silly memes (OH I LOVE MEMES), sharing memories that happened years ago, or post my mom’s plants that I am kind of feeling that will make people happy, but is it? I don’t know. Personally, when I was scrolling on Instagram, I saw all the people that I follow there, just showing the good stuff about themselves, fantastic stuff related to their life, and sometimes those things made me compare myself with others. And I was like, “Wait, Kiki, maybe people will also feel the same when you post something here?” I mean, I don’t know, we always tend to think that the grass is always greener on the other side, right? Even though I don’t think people will feel insecure when I posted my random tofu recipe or the book that I currently read, but who exactly knows, right? Because personally, the feeling of jealousy was kind of tickling inside when I saw my friend posted their babies’ pictures, I mean, where they got that cute spaceship blanket? I also want it!

So, yeah, I am taking a social media break this month, except for those platforms that I mentioned before. Haha, I know I am not an influencer, but hey, two days after I disabled my Instagram account, two of my friends texted me and accusing me that I blocked them there, so hey, guys, if you are one of my 1.300+ followers on Instagram, chill, I don’t block anyone, I am just focus to find where the heck I can buy the cute spaceship blanket right now.



